We were lucky enough to visit Mark Falgren, also known as Lovestick, the drummer of the band Lukas Graham, and witness his fantastic home project featuring our panels.

Visiting Lovestick
As soon as you walk in, you can’t miss the wall decked out with stylish Akupanels in Smoked Oak in the hallway. They give off such a chill vibe and add a touch of breathtaking beauty to the space.
Lovestick’s entire flat showcases a cozy and inviting ambiance.
This delightful color combination creates a soothing and welcoming atmosphere that extends beyond the hallway.
It has to be inspiring…
In addition to the well-designed living space, Lovestick has also built his very own home studio, where he can indulge in his passion for making music every single day.
“It is important for me to have a great practice room because it is inspiring compared to the music I make. It’s clear to me that in order to make great music there has to be great surroundings as well. So for me, it’s just important if it looks great and that it’s inspiring.“

Exceptional audio quality
Before the installation of the acoustic panels in Lovestick’s home studio, there was a noticeable reverb on the recorded vocals, which affected the overall quality.
However, with the introduction of the Acoustic panels, the unwanted reverb has been eliminated, ensuring consistent and exceptional audio quality.
Cozy touch
To enhance the nostalgic 70’s atmosphere in the studio, Lovestick made a conscious decision to furnish it with retro furniture in warm colors.
This deliberate design choice adds a cozy touch and transports the space back to the groovy vibes of that era.
The panels in Rustic Smoked Oak complement the overall aesthetic, completing the captivating look.

See pictures from Faustixs studio